Layout Design


The client:
GoodWeekend Magazine (concept)
The brief:
Create a set of pangrams for two iconic font designers, and incorporate them into double page spreads.
My goal and process: For the Bruce Oswald Cooper designs, I wanted a strong visual that was round, bold, and fun like the font itself. I used a colour palette inspired by the mid 1960’s/1970s when Cooper Black was thriving and an era the typeface is often associated with today.  I used playful sticker like shapes throughout the layout reminiscent of retro paraphernalia of this same era.

For the Zuzanna Licko profile, I wanted to draw upon her beautiful work championing type design as an art form through pattern. I referenced the iconic book covers Mrs Eaves has been used on through the division of space on the pangram design. Overall, I wanted this to feel classic and polished.

kaitlyn hickey.